As you progress with your journey on the pole, achieving your Butterfly opens up a whole world of exciting new moves and pole combos!
6 Pole Dance Combos From a Butterfly

As you progress with your journey on the pole, achieving your Butterfly opens up a whole world of exciting new moves and pole combos!
I love to train my Shoulder Mount! When I look back, I remember it being a move that took me a little while to get, but now it feels strong and has opened-up a world of cool moves and combos.
There are so many amazing pole seat moves out there, so I want to share some of my favourites with you. Some of these are relatively beginner pole dance moves, while others are more intermediate. For some of these pole dance moves you can go into them from a ‘basic seat’ where as others like a side seat or martini seat need to be tried from a different position on the pole.
Our bodies are all different – some of us love the hot weather and some of us love to pole when it’s colder.
I love the hot weather – and not just to pole in!
When it’s warmer I have so much body grip that it makes those pesky ‘holding on just with skin’ moves much easier… still painful, but much easier. My hands slide a little bit but it has to be super warm for me to feel like it’s too slidey to reverse grab – in the UK those kinds of days don’t come around too often.
Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year – you get to dress up, party as much as you want, and of course see your family and friends. Our pole studio is now decorated and it feels like Christmas is on it’s way. And what else do you do at Christmas? Well, play games of course!
I’ve had a few people ask what warm up I do at home, so I thought I’d share it with you. I use this or similar warm-ups before starting my workout. If I’m doing a weight based workout, I usually warm up with bodyweight movements like inch worms or squats, depending on the session ahead.
I love a shoulder mount. I used to hate them, and was a little scared and frustrated by them, but now they are mine, I love them.
There are so many great ways to start training your shoulder mount. This video has beginner, intermediate and advanced options – so hopefully something for everyone!
There seem to be so many cool pole splits going around at the moment. Whenever I get used to one, another one comes along, and I couldn’t be happier.
Okay so the picture attached is a massive achievement for me… massive! I know some of you will easily be able to do this without with thinking or even feeling a stretch, but for me it is torture! I have to stretch for ages before I even attempt this, and even when I do, I […]
Learn how to use resistance bands in your pole dance training. Resistance bands will allow you to train advanced pole moves with light assistance.