6 Pole Dance Combos From a Butterfly


As you progress with your journey on the pole, achieving your Butterfly opens up a whole world of exciting new moves and pole combos!

As a follow-up to my Pole Moves from a Butterfly video, I wanted to share this video showing pole combos you can try from a butterfly 🙂

The Butterfly combos numbered in this video are:

  1. Butterfly – extended butterfly – flatline scorpio – inside leg hang – scorpio handstand – thigh hold – cobra dismount
  2. Butterfly – apprentice – figurehead – recliner invert – thigh hold – flatline scorpio
  3. Butterfly – sneaky v – remi sit – climb – outside leg hang – leg switches
  4. Butterfly – princess grip shoulder mount – pop to cup grip – shoulder mount pencil – brass monkey – reverse allegra ball
  5. Butterfly – sailor – superman – inside leg hang
  6. Butterfly – goddess – handstand

Do let me know how you get on with these fun combos!

Enjoy 😀

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