Master Your Extended Butterfly: 3 Essential Pole Dance Tips

How to Feel Stronger in Your Extended Butterfly

Today I want to share three tips to help you feel stronger in your Extended Butterfly pole move.

Before you try this pole dance move, make sure you have a really strong Butterfly!

I’m sure the three pole dance tips will help you feel stronger and secure on your Extended Butterfly.

You can find a full tutorial for the Extended Butterfly here.

1. Look up at the celeing for better balance

…or the top of the pole as you learn your extended butterfly on the pole.

Looking up in this position, fixing a spot with your gaze will improve your balance in the Extended Butterfly position, and will help you keep your spine in line.

Once you’re confident with the move, feel free to look anywhere you like!

2. Nail Your Back Leg Position

With your back leg off the pole in your Extended Butterfly position, aim to push it away from the pole as much as possible.

This will help you get your hips away from the pole, and make it easier for you to pull with your top arm.

3. Front Leg Position

As you begin straightening your front leg, into your final Extended Butterfly position, aim to turn the leg outwards slightly (externally rotate the hip).

You should also try to transition from the bent leg position of your Butterfly to your straight leg Extended Butterfly quickly.

Both the Butterfly and Extended Butterfly pole moves are strong positions, but the transition between the two can feel less secure, so don’t take your time between them!

Good luck with the tips in this quick pole dance tutorial!

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