After Your First Pole Class

So you’ve booked your first pole dance class, put your shorts on and had a few spins around the pole. So what next?

Well the great news is that you’ve done the hard part.

Don’t get me wrong, pole dancing can be hard but being brave enough to walk through the front door in the first place?

That’s the trickiest part to get through.

Time To Reflect

Hopefully you really enjoyed your first class and can’t wait to do more 🙂 The most important thing is not to be hard on yourself. If you didn’t manage to get a move – who cares? You’ll have plenty of time to work on your moves again.

Love the great moments: You know when you get a move on the first day? That’s really great! You should be really happy with yourself. Any day when you get even a step closer to a move is a great day.

Some Moves Will Be Tough

You instructor will no doubt make every move look so easy that you’ll think it will be just as easy for you. Sometimes you will get it easily too, but if you don’t, just remember how long your instructor has trained for to make these moves look easy. The great news is that you will get there – you just need to practice.

Remember The Beginning

There will be days when you want to look back and remember how it felt to learn your first move. I always film moves when I am first trying them to see how to improve. Obviously I let myself have a few goes first before filming. I usually get to a place where I feel that I can do the move but not sure if my legs are in the right place or how to improve the move in general. Watching myself back can really show where I’m going wrong – or sometimes, right!

Although I don’t often get moves straight away, it’s really great to be able to see the progress I’ve made.

Every time I try something new I fail a million times before I manage to get it right, and most people do! You’ll get better and better with every move that you try.

Don’t Let Your Shyness Hold You Back

We all get a little nervous from time to time especially when in a room full of strangers while in little shorts trying something new for the first time.

It’s more than likely that you will feel a little self conscious in class at first at least. The great thing is that you’ve now met everyone in your class! You’re all in the same boat and for the most part are learning this all for the first time.

It’s likely that the other students in class will be watching you but don’t let this get the better of you. No one is judging you. The main reason they are watching you is so that they can figure out what to do when they get on the pole themselves. The only way to progress is to really go for it 🙂

Keep The Fun

Pole Fitness is a really great way to work out but more than that, it’s fun. No matter what happens in class, keep that element of fun. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get every move perfect, no-one does. Remember a move that you found difficult in your first class and how (hopefully) it’s going to feel so much easier in your second class.

You now know what it feels like to have a spin on the pole so things can only get better from here 🙂

Hopefully your first class was really exciting and a day or two afterwards you may have felt your muscles aching. It’s such a great feel to be able to learn new moves and quite often moves that you thought you weren’t going to be able to do!

Well done for getting through your first class! There’s a big pole world out there for you to conquer 😀

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