New Year – Past Pole Achievements

When a New Year rolls around, most of us are so busy thinking about all of the things that we want to achieve next year, or change about ourselves that we don’t really stop and think about all the amazing achievements from this year.

If you’re like me, it might take a little while to realise quite how much you have manage to accomplish in the small space of a year.

For example, some of you might not have started poling this time last year, so just look how far you’ve come!

The Pole Family

When it comes to pole, I love the effect it can have on those around you. I know I have my own pole family, and we all inspire each other to keep progressing and working on moves that we never thought possible.

For me, those little nudges and whispers saying ‘you can do it’ are the most important things to keep you going.

This time last year, I had no idea quite what 2015 would hold for me.

I knew I wanted to do one competition, but didn’t end up entering it until a few weeks before it happened – despite training for it all year! I placed second in one competition, and then first in the two competitions that led on from that initial placing.

How I managed to do that, I will never know. I certainly didn’t expect it, and blogged about the experience here.

I also now have so many pole friends from my weekends away doing these competitions. I think I’ve inspired a few people to enter next year as well, which I’m super excited about. You know who you are 😀

The Charity Showcase

One of the great things of this year, came from the worst thing from this year. Without getting too into it, let’s just say that we decided to put on a Pole Charity Christmas Showcase for Marie Curie Cancer Care.

I had always wanted to do a showcase, but had no idea how to do it…

Now that I’ve done it, I’m still not sure I know how! 🙂 

I’ll write a separate blog post about the showcase as I can go on and on about it.

I ended up with 16 people in the showcase with a great range of experience and skill. I was so surprised doing the showcase how much of a family situation was created. Most of the people (cast, if you will) were from different classes, so most probably only knew two or three of the others.

Also despite some doing just their solo pieces, they were still great friends with those in the group pieces, even though they rehearsed on a different day.

It was so nice to walk in to one of the backstage dressing rooms to see everyone sitting, chatting and having their hair and make up done. You would think that everyone had been friends for years.

Since the showcase has ended, I’m pretty sure that all of those in the show are now friends on Facebook (and that’s all that matters 😉 ) and are encouraging everyone in their pole journey. Those not in the showcase are being pushed to be in the next one… and they even want to 😀

I’m so proud of everyone in the show and the little pole community we have created. And the great thing is that everyone is welcome.

Great and Small

There are so many things I know I want to work on next year, and change about this year, but with a few exceptions, this has been a pretty good year.

My sister got married, my partner and I had our 4th anniversary and we managed to see everyone in both of our families, at least once – and we both have pretty big families!

Family is super important to me.

With pole goals, I will always want more. Harder tricks, better splits, faster drops. All I can hope for is that my pole journey for 2016 is as good as 2015.

I know I will work hard and will always have many goal. If I don’t meet them, it’s not failing, I just need to figure out what I want.

What has been great about 2015 for you? 😀

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