Has Anyone Seen My Pole-jo?

So I’ve been a bit quiet on the old blogging recently.

Firstly, I lost my pole mojo* (pole-jo or even pojo!) This lasted a good few months. I’d try to train but I just had too many other things I had to do, or just had too much on my mind. I was potentially moving into a new studio which was pretty intense, but luckily has now all worked out for the best.

When I did find time to train it was very sporadic – not enough time to get into anything worthwhile and not specific enough so the training wasn’t appropriate.

I then went to Pole Expo in Las Vegas which was amazing (separate blog coming soon), and really helped me get back into pole. For the first time in months, I’m actually super excited to train – although frustratingly I have 3 exams soon that are taking up a lot of my time.

*If found, please return pole mojo ASAP

Getting Back Into Pole

1.Embrace It

I’ve lost my pojo a few times now. I’m now at the point where although it sucks, I do embrace it. I do all those little (potentially dull) tasks that I’ve been putting off. I also spend time doing things I want – whether it’s going to the gym or sewing – yes, I am that rock and roll!

Embracing the lost pole time at least means that you are getting stuff done. You are finding away to try new things and are keeping happy. There’s no point forcing yourself back on the pole. You will find that slowly you’ll want to pole more than doing all of these other things, and woo hoo – you’ll be happily swinging back around the pole in no time.

2. Back To Basics

A lot of my desire to train goes out the window when I’m not sure what to train. As I train alone, it can be quite difficult to make myself train. I’ll go off track and try things that I’ve seen on social media and want to try, or combinations that my head makes up, and I always have to train for teaching.

I always make sure that I do a few spins on both sides (of course!) to warm up and usually then go on to tricks or strength training. The problem is that the new moves I’m trying are super tough and I can’t do them. While I have a spotter, I don’t have someone telling me those little tips to nail the tricks. I’ve also got to the point where I’ve been trying certain moves for years and it just gets frustrating.

So, it’s back to basics time.

When I have no idea what to do, or when the tricks are too hard, I make it easy. Just because I’ve done a Fireman Spin over and over for 7 years, doesn’t mean it’s a move to ignore. I use my spins, seats, climbs and floor work to then play.

I usually put on music and see where my body takes me. I find that I actually enjoy this much more than I would think. I guess I think it’ll be boring but putting new moves together challenges the brain as much as the body.

3. Re-train

I try and go to privates with amazing polers across the world as often as I can – you’ve got to really, haven’t you 😉

The busier I got trying to open the studio, the less time I had for training and seeing people. (The closest person I train with is 3 hours away, each way!)

The Pole Expo was an amazing opportunity to train with so many people. I’ve now had 11 workshops with different pole people in the last month and I couldn’t be more excited to get back on the pole. They all have such different styles.

The workshops I did were a combination of moves I managed to achieve, moves I could achieve with a little training, and moves to start working on now to hopefully get in a year – we know those ones well!

Training with someone else is the best way for me to get my pole juices flowing. The best thing is that you can go and hunt down your favourite poler and get inspired.

4. Get A New Hobby

Okay so this might sound strange. Pole used to be my hobby. I loved it. It was the most exciting exercise I did, as well as I chance to body wave my troubles away.

Now that I teach, it’s become more than a hobby. Although I want to pole, I also have to pole – which can make it more difficult.

For a while now I’ve been training silks and I love it. I find that silks are such a great workout for me, and a challenge for my brain too. I get to be a beginner again, with so many cool moves to learn. I have no intention of teaching silks either as I want it to be my hobby. If I have something like this as a hobby then not all of my time is spent on poles. It mixes up my workouts and keeps me strong.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is that you should embrace losing your pojo – kind of like when you know you won’t touch a pole for a week or two and so the moisturiser comes out!

When you’re ready, try and find someone to help you train. Get inspired! You know you can always rely on moves you’ve already nailed to.

And then escape the pole brain – find something new that challenges you so that you can take a bit of time off pole and come back refreshed and ready to nail those moves!

Have you lost your pole mojo? How did you get it back?

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